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Performance Update: Week of 8/19/24

Market Recap

The rally off early month lows continued this week, with the S&P 500 (SPY) tacking on 1.4%, the Nasdaq 100 gaining just over 1% and the Russell 2000 (IWM) very strong on Friday and gaining over 3.5% for the week. The market anxiously awaited Fed Chair Powell's speech on Friday, but other than the Russell the market has largely priced in the foregone conclusion that was confirmed on Friday - a rate cut is coming in September. More on how we did this week below.


Our Overall Performance - Big Picture

Solid numbers across the board for the strategies since inception, with each of the strategies keeping with their designed mandate which is to produce the below returns on their respective Risk Budgets/Notional Account sizes. These figures do not include any compounding either. And no, these are not promised or 'guaranteed' overall returns, just what the each strategy is capable of producing relative to the weekly risk taken and projections over an annual basis.

Pure Alpha Target Annual Return on Risk Budget/Account: 500%-1,000%

Hedge Fusion Target Annual Return on Risk Budget/Account: 250%-500%

Futures Focus Target Annual Return on Risk Budget/Account: 500%-1,000%

Gamma Nova Index Options Target Annual Return on Account: 100%-200%

Gamma Nova Stock Options Target Annual Return on Account: 500%-1,000%

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Our Performance this Week

Good week for the strategies. Not great by any means, but without even considering scaling possibilities, racking up weeks like this half the year will get each one to their target annual goals. Of interest was Gamma Nova Stock Options, which was lagging most of the week, but it and Pure Alpha for that matter, had a great Friday with ROKU calls in play and the stock up 12%. Gamma Nova Index benefited largely from the IWM move on Friday as well.

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For more detailed performance check the following: Strategy Performance Page


The Week Ahead

Quiet econ week but NVDA earnings on Wednesday. As of now we expect a bullish theme to continue, but it would not be unthinkable that from here, or possibly with a slight push to all-time highs that the market consolidates a bit before deciding on a bigger move. Either way, we will trade the price as it sets up and follow the data.

For the weekend is we will push out the Gamma Nova Basic Signals on Substack. To Join and get those for a nominal monthly fee, and FREE at times, please visit: You can signup for the Free Version and periodically we will publish them there for non-paid subscribers.

Also, the Gamma Nova Premium version of those signals can be subscribed to and entails a much more comprehensive approach for those interested. Please review the Strategy Page for details or signup here: or here

No Subscription Required for Pure Alpha, Hedge Fusion and Futures Focus.

Auto Trade our signals.

Fees based on value provided!


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